Thursday, May 31, 2007

Lord of the Flies #6

what is the major theme of this novel? why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2007?

Civilization vs. savagery; the loss of innocence; innate human evil

This theme is very important to a teenager living in 2007, because nowadays there are lots of teenagers who keep the evil inside of themselves. ALso there are many people who are guilty and evil around us. The innocence is getting lost by the people in the world. The people become selfish and mean. The people try to live only for themselves and never try to help the others. Even if there are some people trying to help the others, some citizens don't look at that situation as a good one. They try to misunderstand the events if it's not satisfying them.
The teenagers should be honest and kind to the others, not hurting the others with their words and actions.

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